You have to work real hard to find the right gift at the right price with the exact amount of sentiment you want to show depending on your relationship with that person. If you don’t overthink it like I do, consider yourself #blessed. My brain just gets all flooded and confused and freaked out when trying to find the perfect gift for my loved ones.
It’s of course not necessary for you to get your bridesmaids, groomsmen, etc. gifts for the holidays. These also work for regular wedding gifts or thank you presents. When you’re getting married there are lots of people that help you more than they even have time for. It’s nice to thank them when you can- especially your parent(s)/guardian(s) that are going above and beyond. Also, it’s the only time that these people will have these very specific roles for you, so it can be fun to by them cute gear with “Maid of Honor” and “Mother of the Bride” on them.
Anyway, buy these gifts for whatever reason you want… or just browse. I just had a ball compiling them!



By the way, I wanted to be sure and include these pretty custom illustrations my friend, Eliza Gwendalyn, makes. They’d make fab Christmas gifts for your bridesmaids, maid of honor or even for a future bride. She even does custom bride portraits for a newlywed babe. 

Bridesmaid illustration / Bride illustration /Maid of Honor illustration





Mother of the Bride/Groom


Father of the Bride/Groom


Engaged Couple


Obviously, I think my Ultimate Wedding Planning Binder is the perfect gift for engaged couples. What’s better than giving them the gift of stress-free wedding planning?!










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